August 25, 2009
Love would be the most interesting "thing" on earth where the real meaning of love is still indescribable. There is no absolute or precise meaning of what love really is. Different person will have different interpretation of what love is and they have different way of finding it, keeping it and expand it. People normally said that love come when it is time and it can't be chased away no matter what. But the question arise here how only you know it is time and you didn't made a mistake? It really depends on fate and just sit there wait for the time to come? There are people who are passive believing that love will come by itself. Well I believe love is in one self's hand, at least it is more secure because I believe efforts are needed in archiving things. There is possibility that free lunch will be delivered straight to you but if you are not the lucky one then until when you will keep on hiding there being passive. You dare to have a feeling towards someone then why not have the guts to tell the person? Start taking action or else wait for regret.
August 17, 2009
World Woof Tour 2009
World Woof Tour Team - Joanne & Oscar
15th August 2009 - Today is the first day of S.P.C.A road show in New World Park, encouraging people to adopt animal from S.P.C.A and spaying their dogs in order to reduce strays. I think GOD has brought us together, we met Joanne & Oscar during their World woof Tour at the same spot holding the same mission as us. They came all their way from South Africa, traveled more than 20 countries across to reached Penang and there we met at New World Park, could you believe it? Oscar was once sitting inside a shelter, hoping for a home and when he was destined to be destroyed inside a shelter, he made a vow to himself and to all of his friends facing a frightful fate that if he were to defy the odds and make it out of the cage alive one day, he would invest every single day to do whatever it would take to get loving homes going to the dogs. With a scratch of fate and a little of luck, he got a new leash on life. This World Woof Tour us his answer to that promise he made to his friends he left behind and the 475 million homeless dogs that are still dying for a place to call "home". This World Woof Tour is all about making one big, unified bark for his friends – the homeless hounds that yelp for help and a home around the world. Oscar's tour is about showing the world just how cool pound hounds really are.
There are so many innocent victims of pet over-population out there, homelessness is an exercise in unbearable suffering, they sit and stay in a shelter and wait to be wanted. No one really knows how special they are and they'll be destroyed before people ever know them better.
Besides scuba diving, being as a volunteer in saving animal lives and to be involve in any conservation society are also one of my passion in life. Although there's nothing much i can do, i need to even reconsidering before bringing one of them home, but i strongly believe that as long as i am doing the best i can, helping them in finding homes, spend some of my time playing and caring for them(dogs wants love too), urging people to neuter and spay their dogs;last but not least please adopt a dog instead of buying one from pet shop or breeder. Everyone make a difference, where do you think they would be if no one adopt them ???
To sign on Oscar Pledge :
To follow Oscar's tail travel around the world :
Why the World Woof Tour :
Join Oscar Tour and bark back :
NOW, Come and Find where is OSCAR's Oscar during S.P.C.A Roadshow
August 10, 2009
My Day in S.P.C.A - Turn Our Words into Action
今天我总算做到了,其实还蛮简单的,就是喂食啊,清理粪便,洗澡,以及和狗狗们玩耍,我相信那些家里有养狗儿的人都能够做到。我觉得那就像是和在孤儿院当义工没什么分别,不同的是狗狗不会像小朋友一样问些我们没办法回答的问题,也不会顶嘴和闹脾气,可爱得多。而且对动物有爱心的人真是越来越少啦。 很多人在养宠物前没有考虑清楚地把它们带回家了再以种种理由来抛弃它们,这种不负责任的行为导致许多流浪猫狗越来越多,很多都逼不得已地赐予安乐死。虽然我对动物毛发很敏感,却也阻止不了想要为它们出一分力的热心,它们也像小朋友一样需要一个家,需要爱。相信我,动物其实还比人类更会懂得感恩及忠心,无论你如何对待它,它对主人永远是不离不弃的。 这样试问你还忍心不要它吗? 世间万物皆有灵,皆有性啊!
S.P.C.A -Society for The Prevention Cruelty to Animals
8th August 2009 - Me and Donna's was colleagues years ago but our friendship being built through common interests as we both are animal & dog lovers and became good friends. Donna is also a dog agility and obedient trainer. Ever since last year, we both been thinking to be a volunteer in SPCA but due to the traveling frequency and tight schedule, we don't have a chance to carry our words into action. This is because the SPCA is open during working hours Monday to Firday, half day (till 1pm) for Saturday and close on Sunday. Recently, Donna has resigned from her day job and she finally has more time to fulfilled her desires, one of those is to work in SPCA, not only helping the animals to find homes but also giving some basic obedient training to the dogs so that they're more easily to be adopted by people.
I finally had the chance to carry out my first volunteer work in SPCA on Saturday morning. What we need to do is as just simple as feeding, bathing, cleaning the kennels that those who are keeping pets can do. I feel that working in SPCA making not much difference as you work in an orphanage. Apparently the animals are more adorable and sweet, they don't ask questions that you might not know how to answer, they don't simply grouch and backchat with you. All they want is being loved,cares and a home. People who really cares about animals are decreasing nowadays, most of them never take into consideration whether they are suitable in having a pet before getting them and then abandon them with several excuses afterwards. This irresponsible action lead to the increasing in number of strays and very sad that many of those affected by diseases have to put into sleep. Even though I'm allergic to animal furs, but it never stops me from loving them and contribute whatever within my abilities to them. And trust me, they're very loyal and gratitude to the owner no matter how cruel the owner treated them.
Teddy - few months old pup also on medication, a very quiet and good patient boy.
1. Do I have the time?
2. Do I have the space?
3. Do I have the means? Owning a pet is a life time (depend on the life span of your pet) commitment.
We are glad to announce for dogs adopted from SPCA, they can get :
- discounted dog training session with Penang Dog Agility Association,
- 50% off on basic and full grooming package for first visit to Doggie Pawlor, (Doggie Pawlor has also pledged 25% of the discounted price to be donated to SPCA.)
For more Information, Kindly proceed to :-
S.P.C.A Penang
Address: Jalan Jeti Jelutong 11600 Penang, Malaysia.
Telephone: (604)2816559 ; Mobile: (6016)4166559
August 07, 2009
母親一見兒子回來,二話不說便把飯菜往咀裡送. 她怒瞪他一眼。他試了一口,馬上吐出來,兒子說:「 我不是說過了嗎,媽有病不能吃太鹹 !」「 那好!媽是你的,以後由你來煮!」 媳婦怒氣沖沖地回房。兒子無奈地輕嘆一聲,然後對母親說: 「 媽,別吃了,我去煮個麵給妳 。」
「 仔,你是不是有話想跟媽說,是就說好了,別憋在心裡 !」
「 媽,公司下個月升我職,我會很忙,至於老婆,她說很想出來工作,所以 .... 」 母親馬上意識到兒子的意思:「 仔,不要送媽去老人院 。」 聲音似乎在哀求. 兒子沉默片刻,他是在尋找更好的理由。
「 媽,其實老人院並沒有甚麼不好, 妳知道老婆一但工作,一定沒有時間好好服侍妳。老人院有吃有住有人服侍照顧,不是比在家裡好得多嗎?」
「可是,阿財叔他 ....」
母親年輕便守寡,含辛茹苦將他撫養成人,供他出國讀書。但她從不用年輕時的犧牲當作要脅他孝順的籌碼, 反而是妻子以婚姻要脅他!真的要讓母親住老人院嗎?仔問自己,他有些不忍。
「 可以陪你下半世的人是你老婆,難道是你媽嗎 ?」 阿財叔的兒子總是這樣提醒他
「 你媽都這麼老了,好命的話可以活多幾年,為何不趁這幾年好好孝順她呢? 樹欲靜而風不息,子欲養而親不在啊 !」 親戚總是這樣勸他。
夕晚,太陽收斂起灼熱的金光,躲在山後憩息。一間建在郊外山崗的一座貴族老人院。是的,錢用得越多,兒子才心安理得。當兒子領著母親步入大廳時,嶄新的電視機,42 吋的螢幕正播放著一部喜劇,但觀眾一點笑聲也沒有. 幾個衣著一樣,髮型一樣的老嫗歪歪斜斜地坐在梳化上, 神情呆滯.而有一個老人在自言自語, 有個正緩緩彎下腰,想去撿掉在地上的一塊餅乾吃。
兒子知道母親喜歡光亮, 所以為她選了一間陽光充足的房間. 從窗口望出去,樹蔭下,一片芳草如茵。幾名護士推著坐在輪椅的老者在夕陽下散步,四周悄然寂靜得令人心酸。
「 媽,我 ........我要走了 !」 母親只能點頭。他走時,母親頻頻揮手,她張著沒有牙的嘴,蒼白乾燥的咀唇在囁嚅著,一副欲語還休的樣子。兒子這才注意到母親銀灰色的頭髮,深陷的眼窩以及打著細紋臉。母親,真的老了!
他霍然記起一則兒時舊事。那年他才6歲,母親有事回鄉,不便攜他同行,於是把他寄住在阿財叔家幾天。母親臨走時,他驚恐地抱著母親的腿傷心大聲號哭道:「 媽媽不要丟下我!媽媽不要走 !」
身高3 呎的獎杯 ── 那是他小學作文比賽「我的母親」第1 名的勝利品!
華英字典─ 那是母親整個月省吃省用所買給他的第一份生日禮物!
還有母親臨睡前要擦的風濕油, 沒有為她擦,帶去老人院又有甚麼意義呢?
「 就是嘛!你趕快把你媽那張爛床給抬出去,我明天要為我媽添張新的 !」
「 它們是我媽的財產,一樣也不能丟 !」
「 你這算甚態度?對我媽這麼大聲,我要你向我媽道歉 !」
「 我娶妳就要愛妳的母親,為甚麼妳嫁給我就不能愛我的母親? 」
雨後的黑夜分外冷寂,街道蕭瑟,行人車輛格外稀少。 一輛寶馬在路上飛馳,頻頻闖紅燈,陷黃格,呼一聲又飛馳而過。那輛轎車一路奔往山崗上的那間老人院,停車直奔上樓,推開母親臥房的門。他幽靈似地站著,母親正撫摸著風濕痛的雙腿低泣。
她見到兒子手中正拿著那瓶風濕油,顯然感到安慰的說: 「 媽忘了帶,幸好你拿來 ! 」
「 很晚了,媽自己擦可以了,你明天還要上班,回去吧 !」
他囁嚅片刻,終於忍不住啜泣道 :「媽,對不起,請原諒我!我們回家去吧 !」
~~ 後語 ~~
隨著自己愈長大,看著父母親臉龐從年輕變憔悴,頭髮從烏絲變白髮, 動作從迅捷變緩慢,多心疼!父母親總是將最好、最寶貴的留給我們,像蠟燭不停的燃燒自己,照亮孩子!
隨意買的宵夜,煮一頓再普通不過的晚餐; 睡前幫他們蓋蓋被子,天冷幫他們添衣服、戴手套……
我相信,人是環環相扣的. 現在,你如何對待你的父母; 以後,你的子女就如何待你。
~ 共勉之 ~
老人安養院牆上發現的一篇文章 :
教你繫鞋帶、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳頭髮、擰鼻涕。這些和你在一起的點點滴滴,是多麼的令我懷念不已。所以,當我想不起來,接不上話時,請給我一點時間,等我一下,讓我再想一想…… 極可能最後連要說什麼,我也一併忘記。
讓他們知道家人才是最重要的。 愛情可以重新再找尋,但父母一生卻只有一個,
要珍惜、珍重 ! 朋友们, 你们做到了吗?
August 04, 2009
我的潜水录 III - Precious Redang Dives
When i came back from April dive trip in Redang Island, i kept contacting my instructor begging to join the May Redang dive trip in 2 weeks time. Main reason is because all of my dive buddies are going (especially Willoon who based in Shanghai purposely make his trip back Malaysia for these dives) except me as i was told that the trip already fulled. However, my instructor finally agreed to count me in after some arrangement and toleration been made. Toon has just bought a underwater casing for his camera and this is also the first time we all experiencing underwater photography, most of the pictures taken are basically few of us diving underwater instead of snapping the beauty of the marine lifes. We do not know that Toon's camera does not have underwater photography feature until all the pictures taken turned out in blueish.
2008年5月1日 - 清晨前往登嘉楼出发。这次我们没等其他队员,打算尝试看在没有教练的带领下我们能不能到达目的地。幸好我们的住家男人Henzing早在第一次跟教练去登嘉楼时已经把重要路线纪录起来,所以我们总算安全在规定时间内到达,虽然路途差点发生车祸 (我们前面的一辆车驾驶中突然爆胎)吓得我们一大跳,连在后座熟睡的我和Willioon也瞬间惊醒,还好只是场有惊无险。到达我们即将入住的宾馆后,我总算看清教练对待外国潜水员和本地潜水员的差别,两个星期前同一个地方,同样价钱, 只是不同肤色的队员,怎么住的地方那么大差别。出了四周都是灰尘以外,周围也残旧得难以言喻,而教练给我们的理由确是其他的酒店都满了。岂有此理,如果不是只是住宿一晚而已我们才不会如此委曲求全,住家男人Henzing什么都不哆嗦的开始他的整洁工作,你能想象他连安装在墙壁的电风扇也能除下来洗吗?
1st May 2008 - We departing early in the morning, Toon is driving us and this time without waiting for instructor and the rest, we decided to try and see if we can drive down to Kuala Terengganu by our own. Luckily in house family man Henzing has jot down the route when he went to Kuala Terengganu with our instructor during his open water. Wasn't too bad, we're able to reached the guest house on time safely, although we nearly bang into a car in front of us that suddenly burst its tyres on the road. Me and Willoon were woke up with a start when the incident happen, our car stopped as soon as Toon jammed and triggered the ABS brakes. As we arrived at our guests house, it can see it very clear that how different is our instructor treated us and the foreigners. Same place, same amount of money we're paying, but the guests house that we stayed was really horrible, full of dust, and unacceptable. He told us all the hotels were fully booked due to SUKMA (Malaysia Sports Event) held in Terengganu, and I wouldn't have tolerate if we need to stay at the bloody place for the entire trip, and can you imagine Henzing dismantled the wall fan and wash it in the bath room.
The Worst Guests House we stayed for a night
2008年5月2日 - 今天我们将在Pulau Ling, Terumbu Kili 和 Pulau Ekor 潜水。 我给自己添了对新的脚蹼,比起旧的那对真的很不一样,又快又舒服。由于教练有带初考生,所以我们四个被分派跟在最后面以确保没有其他队员离队,而我们也乐在其中不停的拍照。当我们在Pulau Ekor潜水时,有只玳瑁海龟从Willoon的后方游向我们,而我们四个便把它包围住和它在海底戏水和拍照 (可惜照片太朦,毕竟是我们 第一次在潜水中遇见海龟)。
我准备要下水啦。。。。。I'm ready to jump
2nd May 2008 - We're going to dive at Pulau Ling, Terumbu Kili and Pulau Ekor for today. I had my new bio fin with me from this trip onwards and the differences compared to my own fin was pretty huge, it enable me to swim faster and more comfortable. 4 of us were instructed to follow at the back of the group during diving due to there are open water divers in this trip that our instructor got to take care of. Willoon is also the only Advance Open Water Diver in the group. We were happily snapping photos underwater, when we dive at Pulau Ekor, there's one male Hawksbill turtle approached us and we spent some time swimming with him and taking pictures (unfortunately all the photos turned out very blur).
Resting, after transferring tank to shore................好大只壁虎啊~。~ Huge lizard arrrrr
2008年5月3日- 清晨早餐过后当我们准备出海时, 船长告诉我们昨晚潜水用的快艇发生故障,无计可施下,只好利用临时租来得渔船去浅水。由于渔船身形太大所以不太能靠岸,每个潜回来我们都要把用过的氧气同从船搬运上岸去添氧气,然后再由岸搬运到海边 (大约150公尺距离),还要游大约20公尺才能上船,真要命啊! 每每做完一个潜回来在等待添氧气的时候,我总是把握时间小睡一下,因为真的是好累好累,比上班还不如。更何况我们还要在一天之内做四个潜,分别在Pulau Lima North, Pulau Lima South, Batu Chepak, 和 Pinang Wreck。
3rd May 2008 - Early morning after breakfast when we were preparing to go for diving, we were told that our speedboat was breakdown and couldn't be fixed in a day. We therefore get a rented fishing boat for today's dives. The boat was actually too big to park close to the shore, so we have to transfer tank from the boat to water then to shore for refill after each dive. The distance between tank compressor and water is about 150 meter and from shore to the boat we have to swim about 20 meter, it was killing everyone of us especially we get dehydrated and exhausted after finished a dive. While waiting for the tanks to be refilled, i must take a short nap, just imagine we're doing 4 dives on that day at Pulau Lima North, Pulau Lima South, Batu Chepak, and Pinang Wreck, it's killing.
2008年5月4日 - 拍完团体照后, 乘了大约两个半小时的船回到陆地驱车回家。我和Willoon在后座虽然休息又不太够,但还是和Henzing 陪 Toon 一面边聊天一边驾车, 因为又要开八个小时的他真的是蛮可怜的。可是后来我还是忍不住睡着因为实在是太累了。 经过这次以后,我对自己在潜水方面越来越有信心做到更好了。我们(我, Toon 和 Henzing) 后来也决定去提升到另一个阶段 - Advanced Open Water Diving.
4th May 2008 - After taking group photos in Redang Mutiara new jetty, we took about 2 hours boat back to mainland and get our car. Although we're really tired, but we still chitchat with Toon who is driving, it's pityful for him that have to drive an eight hours trip back home. I however fell asleep later on without realising and after this trip, i have more confidence towards scuba diving and we decided to proceed to another level as Advanced Open Water Diver.