
我的处女作。。。认识我的人会很好奇, 什么启发我写Blog?? 而且还是中文版。 他是我高中毕业后就读第一所学院的同学, 读了他的Blog之后, 让我体会到中文是我们的母语, 千万不可以忘记。 也让我明白原来能将我们生活的一点一滴拿出来与认识我们的人分享,尤其如果有朝一日, 我突然失去脑中的记忆,但 至少还有个地方记载我生命中的精彩,其实还不赖。

“陌生”这个词对我来说真的很陌生。。 梦想尤其更是陌生。。 没想过活了二十六年竟然让我踏出勇敢的第一步,迈向我梦寐以求的潜水生涯。 潜水让我克服重重困难,惧高,惧深,惧海。。梦让我学会勇敢, 勇敢的踏出不同的第一步及每一步。 如今的我唯有在那深不见底的海洋, 找到我的灵魂, 找到属于我的梦想; 在那白细的沙滩上, 艳阳光下, 一望无际的碧海蓝天, 找到没有任何烦恼的天堂。Scuba Diving is my soul~ the paradise I can find~ my achievements~ the only dedication in my life~

相信我, 如果你已经克服了你最大的弱点, 那将很难会有什么事情是不能面对, 或者你做不到的, 生命也只不过是如此而已。要记住,别让你的生命里抱着遗憾, 想做就去做。 Live your life with no regrets 。。我的座右铭

勇敢对我来说比死来的简单。我很好奇有些人与其有勇气寻死,却没勇气活下去。要知道有多少在生命边缘挣扎的人,努力呼吸着只为了多活一天。 世间万物的求生毅志怎可以轻易的被挫折打败?上天要我们经过不同的磨练,放才能变得更坚强,变得更能人所不能。 之所以这样我今天还活着,活得好好的,活得比以前更好,而且还要活出灿烂的人生。

距离,让我学会懂得“珍惜”。珍惜生命,珍惜身边的朋友,家人,以及生活中的每一点每一滴。“珍惜”这两个字听起来很简单,但是有多少个人能做得到?过去的爱情让我了解, 男人口中的所谓“珍惜”也只不过是所说说而已。 在面对外界的多种诱惑,难道他真的能珍惜那曾经与他们共同进退,背后默默为他们撑着的人吗?他怎可能记得说过永远的爱我? 守候的结果,换来的却是无情的背叛。 无须苦苦强求,唯有带着破碎的心情离开。以前的那一句话已是我心中的伤口, 过了好久好久没人记得当初的那些温柔, 我和你手牵手说要一起走到最后。如果爱不曾来过,如果梦不曾碎过,如果心不曾疼过,那么我,是否还是你认识的我?今生,我们爱了,爱也走了。来生, 你是你,我是我,即使梦中遇见了,笑笑,然后擦肩而过。

爱来过,也走过,痴过也恨过,伤过才会懂,一切皆是错。泪干了,心也平静了,带着微笑再重新来过,人往往活得比男人坚强。 但是再怎么坚强的人,总有寂寞的时侯,终须要一个可以依靠的避风港。残缺的回忆 并没让我放弃追寻, 寻找属于我的那一个人。我始终相信, 该来的总会来, 该走的怎么留也留不住。也许有如句俗语:众里寻它千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。让懂你的人爱你, 重选一份值得坚持的感情,爱只要一点点冲动就可以,了解却少些默契都不行。

距离,让我看到许许多多的美丽。 家,朋友,甚至敌人。以前的执著变成懂得学会如何放手;放心;放开;懂得放手,人生就会有桃花源。不仅如此, 从来不怎么重视家的我如今却是体会到外面的高床软枕,比也比不上家里的狗窝; 外面的鲍参翅燕, 不比妈妈的家常便饭来得香。每每回到家里, 总是有股冲动想要让妈妈抱在怀里安睡的感觉,如果让很认识我的朋友知道我有这股冲动的话, 肯定以为我烧坏了脑或是世界末日即将来临。然而,还是想说这是千真万确的。 看来还真是要感谢自己有离开家的梦, 感谢这份能让我离开家的工作, 感谢上天给机会让我明瞭 这不算太迟才体会的道理, 感谢我的一班‘猪朋狗友’,即使再忙再久失去联络, 却永远记得我的人。

美丽在不同人的心中有着不同的定义, 对我来说,美丽就是当你将最真的自己表现出来, 用真诚的心对待别人, 内在的美自然美丽。再美的人和事物都有老化的一天, 唯有内在不会随着岁月而老去。 美丽和魅力对我的定义就是,当一个男人全心投入工作时的热诚, 或是穿着围裙在厨房准备早餐的背影,最吸引我这种天生浪漫主义者*.*


July 17, 2009

为什么。。How Could They Do This To Whale Shark ???

The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a filter-feeding shark and is the largest living fish. This slow-moving creature is known for its playful character and poses no harm to humans

[17 July 09: BUTTERWORTH: Four fishermen on a deepsea fishing trip found a dead whale shark measuring 5.36m in their net 50 nautical miles off the coast. The fishermen, from Kuala Muda near here, made the discovery at 1am yesterday. It was the second whale shark found in a fishing net in Penang in seven months. On Jan 2, several fishermen found a 7m-long whale shark in their net 10 nautical miles off Teluk Bahang.]

我的心正在滴着血,真的好恨,好恨那些无良的渔民为了个人的利益竟然忍心猎捕这些面临绝种的鲸鲨。我怎么也不会相信真相就有如报导所写的一样,对我来说那只是用来遮掩丑陋事实的面具。鲸鲨虽然体格庞大,但它可是一丁点危险性都没有的哺乳动物,唯有靠着海里的浮游生物维生.鲸鲨不只是濒临绝种的鲨类之一,它还是每一个潜水员最期待遇见的品种和梦想。可是却没人了解要能在鲸鲨出没的区域潜水时遇见它,哪怕只是万分之一的机率,而我则刚刚好就是其中一位幸运儿. 所以没有人能够体会每当我从新闻得知它们不幸落入渔网时那种悲恨的心情. 悲的是鲸鲨又越来越减少了,恨的是自己无能为力去保护它们。除了公布于部落格和坚持不食用鱼翅之外,我还能做什么??

My heart is bleeding when i read the news. It was really unforgivable to the fishermen that hunt and kills whale shark for self benefits. i won't believe that the truth is as according to the paper as whale shark could have survive without surface for long hours and the fishermen could see the creature that stuck in the net when the boat approaching shallower water. They should release and rescue the shark to the wild instead of pulling it to the shore!!

Whale shark is such an adorable creature with small eyes that feed with plankton, evenly spots over its body, and even though they are big, but they are rather friendly and curios to human. whale shark is not only one of endangered species, it's also dream of every diver, to sight them during their dives in whale shark's migration line.

However, the chances of seeing them by luck is lower than you hit jackpot nowadays. Nevertheless, i'm one of the luckiest to see them during diving in Andaman Sea back in February 2009. No one could understand how painful i am whenever knowing this animal was killed and how shameful to myself that couldn't do anything more to protect them except broadcasting news on blog and not to consume shark fins.

When does these idiots intend to realize and stop killing this animal? when the law implement strong punishment against the hunters? or when this animal has completely extinct from the world? or they will not even bother if our next generation hasn't got the chance to see this amazing creature again!!!!!

If you read my blog today, please broadcast this information to your dearest family, friends, colleagues and also education to the kids to treasure these animal.
If possible, please DO NOT EAT SHARK FINS. Always remember, if there's no demand, there will be no supply!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart


Unknown said...

I left u msg just now.. can see?

KateC said...

Malaysia Boleh lor...
Many countries have banned capturing Whale Shark.. but I think since school time, I have read a few times fisherman captured this big beautiful harmless giant. It's pitiful.. Maybe we can sign up some petition to ban capture it?