
我的处女作。。。认识我的人会很好奇, 什么启发我写Blog?? 而且还是中文版。 他是我高中毕业后就读第一所学院的同学, 读了他的Blog之后, 让我体会到中文是我们的母语, 千万不可以忘记。 也让我明白原来能将我们生活的一点一滴拿出来与认识我们的人分享,尤其如果有朝一日, 我突然失去脑中的记忆,但 至少还有个地方记载我生命中的精彩,其实还不赖。

“陌生”这个词对我来说真的很陌生。。 梦想尤其更是陌生。。 没想过活了二十六年竟然让我踏出勇敢的第一步,迈向我梦寐以求的潜水生涯。 潜水让我克服重重困难,惧高,惧深,惧海。。梦让我学会勇敢, 勇敢的踏出不同的第一步及每一步。 如今的我唯有在那深不见底的海洋, 找到我的灵魂, 找到属于我的梦想; 在那白细的沙滩上, 艳阳光下, 一望无际的碧海蓝天, 找到没有任何烦恼的天堂。Scuba Diving is my soul~ the paradise I can find~ my achievements~ the only dedication in my life~

相信我, 如果你已经克服了你最大的弱点, 那将很难会有什么事情是不能面对, 或者你做不到的, 生命也只不过是如此而已。要记住,别让你的生命里抱着遗憾, 想做就去做。 Live your life with no regrets 。。我的座右铭

勇敢对我来说比死来的简单。我很好奇有些人与其有勇气寻死,却没勇气活下去。要知道有多少在生命边缘挣扎的人,努力呼吸着只为了多活一天。 世间万物的求生毅志怎可以轻易的被挫折打败?上天要我们经过不同的磨练,放才能变得更坚强,变得更能人所不能。 之所以这样我今天还活着,活得好好的,活得比以前更好,而且还要活出灿烂的人生。

距离,让我学会懂得“珍惜”。珍惜生命,珍惜身边的朋友,家人,以及生活中的每一点每一滴。“珍惜”这两个字听起来很简单,但是有多少个人能做得到?过去的爱情让我了解, 男人口中的所谓“珍惜”也只不过是所说说而已。 在面对外界的多种诱惑,难道他真的能珍惜那曾经与他们共同进退,背后默默为他们撑着的人吗?他怎可能记得说过永远的爱我? 守候的结果,换来的却是无情的背叛。 无须苦苦强求,唯有带着破碎的心情离开。以前的那一句话已是我心中的伤口, 过了好久好久没人记得当初的那些温柔, 我和你手牵手说要一起走到最后。如果爱不曾来过,如果梦不曾碎过,如果心不曾疼过,那么我,是否还是你认识的我?今生,我们爱了,爱也走了。来生, 你是你,我是我,即使梦中遇见了,笑笑,然后擦肩而过。

爱来过,也走过,痴过也恨过,伤过才会懂,一切皆是错。泪干了,心也平静了,带着微笑再重新来过,人往往活得比男人坚强。 但是再怎么坚强的人,总有寂寞的时侯,终须要一个可以依靠的避风港。残缺的回忆 并没让我放弃追寻, 寻找属于我的那一个人。我始终相信, 该来的总会来, 该走的怎么留也留不住。也许有如句俗语:众里寻它千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。让懂你的人爱你, 重选一份值得坚持的感情,爱只要一点点冲动就可以,了解却少些默契都不行。

距离,让我看到许许多多的美丽。 家,朋友,甚至敌人。以前的执著变成懂得学会如何放手;放心;放开;懂得放手,人生就会有桃花源。不仅如此, 从来不怎么重视家的我如今却是体会到外面的高床软枕,比也比不上家里的狗窝; 外面的鲍参翅燕, 不比妈妈的家常便饭来得香。每每回到家里, 总是有股冲动想要让妈妈抱在怀里安睡的感觉,如果让很认识我的朋友知道我有这股冲动的话, 肯定以为我烧坏了脑或是世界末日即将来临。然而,还是想说这是千真万确的。 看来还真是要感谢自己有离开家的梦, 感谢这份能让我离开家的工作, 感谢上天给机会让我明瞭 这不算太迟才体会的道理, 感谢我的一班‘猪朋狗友’,即使再忙再久失去联络, 却永远记得我的人。

美丽在不同人的心中有着不同的定义, 对我来说,美丽就是当你将最真的自己表现出来, 用真诚的心对待别人, 内在的美自然美丽。再美的人和事物都有老化的一天, 唯有内在不会随着岁月而老去。 美丽和魅力对我的定义就是,当一个男人全心投入工作时的热诚, 或是穿着围裙在厨房准备早餐的背影,最吸引我这种天生浪漫主义者*.*


August 04, 2009

我的潜水录 III - Precious Redang Dives

当我从四月的热浪岛潜水回来后,便不断联络我的教练,哀求他让我参与五月的热浪岛潜水。那是因为我的潜水伙伴们都参与这个活动,尤其是Willoon特地从上海回来。在我们不死心的要求下,我终于可以和他们一起去潜水,这当然也要感谢我的buddies们肯委屈挤在一间房而把其中一个床位让给了我,我才有机会和他们一起去。 这时Toon还特地买了潜水相机壳开始我们第一次的[海底摄影],大部分的海底相片都是照我们自己多过海底生物。由于他的相机没有潜水的特点,所以大部分在光线不足的情形下找出来得相片非常不理想,只是一片蓝。

When i came back from April dive trip in Redang Island, i kept contacting my instructor begging to join the May Redang dive trip in 2 weeks time. Main reason is because all of my dive buddies are going (especially Willoon who based in Shanghai purposely make his trip back Malaysia for these dives) except me as i was told that the trip already fulled. However, my instructor finally agreed to count me in after some arrangement and toleration been made. Toon has just bought a underwater casing for his camera and this is also the first time we all experiencing underwater photography, most of the pictures taken are basically few of us diving underwater instead of snapping the beauty of the marine lifes. We do not know that Toon's camera does not have underwater photography feature until all the pictures taken turned out in blueish.

2008年5月1日 - 清晨前往登嘉楼出发。这次我们没等其他队员,打算尝试看在没有教练的带领下我们能不能到达目的地。幸好我们的住家男人Henzing早在第一次跟教练去登嘉楼时已经把重要路线纪录起来,所以我们总算安全在规定时间内到达,虽然路途差点发生车祸 (我们前面的一辆车驾驶中突然爆胎)吓得我们一大跳,连在后座熟睡的我和Willioon也瞬间惊醒,还好只是场有惊无险。到达我们即将入住的宾馆后,我总算看清教练对待外国潜水员和本地潜水员的差别,两个星期前同一个地方,同样价钱, 只是不同肤色的队员,怎么住的地方那么大差别。出了四周都是灰尘以外,周围也残旧得难以言喻,而教练给我们的理由确是其他的酒店都满了。岂有此理,如果不是只是住宿一晚而已我们才不会如此委曲求全,住家男人Henzing什么都不哆嗦的开始他的整洁工作,你能想象他连安装在墙壁的电风扇也能除下来洗吗?

1st May 2008 - We departing early in the morning, Toon is driving us and this time without waiting for instructor and the rest, we decided to try and see if we can drive down to Kuala Terengganu by our own. Luckily in house family man Henzing has jot down the route when he went to Kuala Terengganu with our instructor during his open water. Wasn't too bad, we're able to reached the guest house on time safely, although we nearly bang into a car in front of us that suddenly burst its tyres on the road. Me and Willoon were woke up with a start when the incident happen, our car stopped as soon as Toon jammed and triggered the ABS brakes. As we arrived at our guests house, it can see it very clear that how different is our instructor treated us and the foreigners. Same place, same amount of money we're paying, but the guests house that we stayed was really horrible, full of dust, and unacceptable. He told us all the hotels were fully booked due to SUKMA (Malaysia Sports Event) held in Terengganu, and I wouldn't have tolerate if we need to stay at the bloody place for the entire trip, and can you imagine Henzing dismantled the wall fan and wash it in the bath room.

The Worst Guests House we stayed for a night


2008年5月2日 - 今天我们将在Pulau Ling, Terumbu Kili 和 Pulau Ekor 潜水。 我给自己添了对新的脚蹼,比起旧的那对真的很不一样,又快又舒服。由于教练有带初考生,所以我们四个被分派跟在最后面以确保没有其他队员离队,而我们也乐在其中不停的拍照。当我们在Pulau Ekor潜水时,有只玳瑁海龟从Willoon的后方游向我们,而我们四个便把它包围住和它在海底戏水和拍照 (可惜照片太朦,毕竟是我们 第一次在潜水中遇见海龟)。

Toon, Willoon & Henzing .................................Henzing, Rachel & Willoon

我准备要下水啦。。。。。I'm ready to jump

2nd May 2008 - We're going to dive at Pulau Ling, Terumbu Kili and Pulau Ekor for today. I had my new bio fin with me from this trip onwards and the differences compared to my own fin was pretty huge, it enable me to swim faster and more comfortable. 4 of us were instructed to follow at the back of the group during diving due to there are open water divers in this trip that our instructor got to take care of. Willoon is also the only Advance Open Water Diver in the group. We were happily snapping photos underwater, when we dive at Pulau Ekor, there's one male Hawksbill turtle approached us and we spent some time swimming with him and taking pictures (unfortunately all the photos turned out very blur).

Toon Underwater ...........................Henzing Underwater

Rachel Underwater ...........................Willoon Underwater

河豚 Puffer Fish .........................Willoon with Cushion Star

Resting, after transferring tank to shore................好大只壁虎啊~。~ Huge lizard arrrrr

2008年5月3日- 清晨早餐过后当我们准备出海时, 船长告诉我们昨晚潜水用的快艇发生故障,无计可施下,只好利用临时租来得渔船去浅水。由于渔船身形太大所以不太能靠岸,每个潜回来我们都要把用过的氧气同从船搬运上岸去添氧气,然后再由岸搬运到海边 (大约150公尺距离),还要游大约20公尺才能上船,真要命啊! 每每做完一个潜回来在等待添氧气的时候,我总是把握时间小睡一下,因为真的是好累好累,比上班还不如。更何况我们还要在一天之内做四个潜,分别在Pulau Lima North, Pulau Lima South, Batu Chepak, 和 Pinang Wreck。

Transferring tanks for refill .................................Our fishing boat used for Diving

Cuttle Fish ......................................................Toon and Me (from right)

Toon showering himself............................he spray water to me, i dun want cold water !!

3rd May 2008 - Early morning after breakfast when we were preparing to go for diving, we were told that our speedboat was breakdown and couldn't be fixed in a day. We therefore get a rented fishing boat for today's dives. The boat was actually too big to park close to the shore, so we have to transfer tank from the boat to water then to shore for refill after each dive. The distance between tank compressor and water is about 150 meter and from shore to the boat we have to swim about 20 meter, it was killing everyone of us especially we get dehydrated and exhausted after finished a dive. While waiting for the tanks to be refilled, i must take a short nap, just imagine we're doing 4 dives on that day at Pulau Lima North, Pulau Lima South, Batu Chepak, and Pinang Wreck, it's killing.

Is this mermaid?? Willoon 来的...........................Rachel & Henzing (we swam to a beach during surface Interval)

Henzing, Toon & Willoon .....................................Toon, Rachel & Henzing

Precious One, 4 of us ..................................................wearing fins and swimming back to boat

Rachel (close shot) ............................................. Nemo in Pair with Anemonies

Spagetti Worms .............................................................Willoon and Rachel with Nemo

海兔交配 Nudibranch Mating ..........................................................珊瑚 Soft corals

Toon & Henzing at the sands bed...........Sea Fan Underwater

2008年5月4日 - 拍完团体照后, 乘了大约两个半小时的船回到陆地驱车回家。我和Willoon在后座虽然休息又不太够,但还是和Henzing 陪 Toon 一面边聊天一边驾车, 因为又要开八个小时的他真的是蛮可怜的。可是后来我还是忍不住睡着因为实在是太累了。 经过这次以后,我对自己在潜水方面越来越有信心做到更好了。我们(我, Toon 和 Henzing) 后来也决定去提升到另一个阶段 - Advanced Open Water Diving.

Group Photo 团体照 .........................................................贝壳蟹 shells crab 

Toon, Henzing & Willoon at Redang Jetty .................Toon, rachel & Willoon at Redang jetty

4th May 2008 - After taking group photos in Redang Mutiara new jetty, we took about 2 hours boat back to mainland and get our car. Although we're really tired, but we still chitchat with Toon who is driving, it's pityful for him that have to drive an eight hours trip back home. I however fell asleep later on without realising and after this trip, i have more confidence towards scuba diving and we decided to proceed to another level as Advanced Open Water Diver.

1 comment:

syntax said...

good to have dive log on blog. suggest to log more and continue uploading the latest photos and comments. Like this!!