2009 年 7 月 16 日- 雪洲议员政治秘书赵明福被发现离奇堕楼死于雪洲反贪污委员会总部。原本只是协助贪污案调查和证人之一的赵明福,为何出来的却是一具冷冰冰的尸体?到底他们是怎佯盘问赵明福的?这引起了全国人民和民联议员的关注和愤怒,尤其是当报导指赵明福可能是堕楼自杀时,更是让人共愤。试问一个热心于社会的优秀青年,即将和未婚妻共结连理的准爸爸,还是一个孝顺家庭父母的好孩子怎么可能说死就死?而且到目前案发后的十余天为止,反贪污委员会也没对人民和赵明福家属给于令人满意的交代。我们还有机会能知道真相吗?
16 July 2009 - Teoh Beng Hock was invited by the Selangor MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) to assist in their investigation into constituency allocations. He went to the MACC Headquarters at around 5.40pm on 15th July 2009 but never came back. His body was found on the 5th floor of Wisma Masalam at 1pm on 16th July, less than 20 hours later. The MACC office is located on the 14th floor of the same building. Teoh Beng Hock was previously worked as a reporter for Sin Chew Daily and joined the office of Selangor Exco, Ean Yong Hian Wah after the 2008 General Election as the latter's political secretary. He was a helpful and diligent young man, liked by all who worked with him and cherished by those who are his good friends. The death of Teoh Beng Hock is shrouded in mystery and a slew of unanswered questions. It involved a power law enforcement agency in the country – MACC - that was supposed to protect the interests of the people and the country. There have been many police custodial deaths but this is the first case of death in the custody of the MACC. Are we able to know the truth?
For More Information:-
明福未婚妻祭文:- 明福,你没有任何的交待就匆匆离开了我。你说,我们还有很多事没有完成,有很多地方还没有去,你还说这一辈子的路都会陪我一起走下去。现在的我该怎么办?怎样才能再见到你?我的脑海里一直都想着你,念着你……我只要你回来,回到我的身边……这几天我一直等你,但是却让我失望了。我只想知道你现在过得好不好,痛不痛……?请你别让我等那么久好吗?就让我再见你一次,一次就好。当哭泣以及呼唤都无法叫醒你的时候,我已经不能不相信你已经永远的离开了我。再多的不舍,今天还是得与你告别了,我答应你,我会好好的活下去。但是,你一定要在我身边陪伴我,陪我一起照顾他。明福,虽然今世我与你的缘分已尽了。但是,我希望,如果有下一辈子的话,我很想与你再续我们今生的缘分。你安心上路吧,愿你安息。
Fiancee's Tribute to Beng Hock:-
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